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Nov 25, 2019

Railroaded: The Story of Glen Assoun

statue of justice

“I was devastated, I was just numb.  I just stated to the court that ‘I’m officially wrongly convicted as of right now’.” 

“Because I knew I was innocent.”- Glen Assoun

In 1999 Glen Assoun was convicted of a murder he didn’t commit, he spent  the next 20 years fighting to prove his innocence.   Acquitted in early 2019, Innocence Canada is honoured to count Glen as our most recent exoneree.

On Saturday, November 16 Glen’s harrowing story was profiled on CTV’s W5.  Please join the Innocence Canada team by watching W5’s profile on Glen’s wrongful conviction, sharing the link below through social media and spreading the word about wrongful conviction in Canada. 

You can see a preview of the documentary here.